In our struggling economy, many people are dealing with unmanageable debts. Ed Wiercinski is a bankruptcy attorney who provides compassionate support who will help you get relief from overwhelming debt and creditor harassment.
If you are overwhelmed by debt, fear the telephone when it rings, cannot open your mail without fearing further law suits and threats for collection, wage executions, threats to repossess your car, and/or notice of pending foreclosure on your home; YOU want a bankruptcy attorney who will protect your rights and allow you to once again feel as if the overwhelming burden of debt has been taken off your shoulders, leading to financial freedom from debt.

In our struggling economy, many people are dealing with unmanageable debts. Ed Wiercinski is a bankruptcy attorney who provides compassionate support who will help you get relief from overwhelming debt and creditor harassment.
If you are overwhelmed by debt, fear the telephone when it rings, cannot open your mail without fearing further law suits and threats for collection, wage executions, threats to repossess your car, and/or notice of pending foreclosure on your home; YOU want a bankruptcy attorney who will protect your rights and allow you to once again feel as if the overwhelming burden of debt has been taken off your shoulders, leading to financial freedom from debt.